Thursday, June 30, 2011

Why Paleo isn't working for you

  1. You're not eating Paleo. You're eating Faileo: processed meats, lean protein, canola oil, "Paleo pancakes" or "Paleo gluten-free banana bread."
  2. You haven't given it enough time.
  3. You're not sleeping enough or early enough or well enough.
  4. You are eating all muscle meat and no fatty organs.
  5. You've got some other health issue going on that can't be resolved 100% through diet: low-grade infection, systemic inflammation, some auto-immune component, whatever.
  6. You've truly spent too much time fucking up your metabolism and you can't heal it 100% now, no matter what you do. Sucks, doesn't it?
  7. Who knows, maybe it's just not right for you. Try something else and see what happens. If that works better for you, fuck Paleo. <-- this is what distinguishes us from the goddamn vegans who say that if your health gets worse on a vegan diet, you're "doing it wrong." No. Sometimes your health gets worse even if you do everything "right." Then it's time to try something else in practice, not beat yourself up for not being perfect in theory.

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