Monday, July 11, 2011

How do you recognize a good coach?

You can't. Or at least, most people can't. They wouldn't really know the difference between, say, Cressey vs. me vs. the average globo-gym trainer. Most people's impressions of their trainers are predicated mostly on the trainer's personality and professionalism and looks, not their skills and knowledge.

But it's easy to recognize a bad trainer, even for the uninitiated.

Warnings signs (not necessarily 100% indicative of a bad coach):

  • Doesn't regularly program squats, deadlifts, presses or pull (or some variation thereof) for most clients.
  • Makes most clients very sore, very often. 
  • Doesn't make clients sore, ever.
  • Your program is predominantly on machines.
  • Has a CrossFit Level 1 "certification" but no other qualifications, and has never coached anybody before getting their L1.
  • Programs lots of crunches, but no planks or bird dogs.
  • Does lots of curls on Bosu balls.
  • Does lots of curls.
  • Doesn't know most of these names: Cressey, Robertson, Hartman, McGill, Boyle, Dan John, Simmons, Tate, Wendler.
  • None of the men can deadlift 2xBW despite training for >1 year. 
  • None of the women can do pull-ups despite training for >1 year.
Note: most of these (although not all!) have applied to me at one point in time.

Actually, there is one rule of thumb for good trainers, but it's not really useful because the list is so small:

Anybody who's ever been excommunicated from CrossFit HQ is probably a good trainer.


    1. You should have a post about why the deadlift is the single most important whatever you can do (or whatever it is you call it). Or is the squat? I swear I listen to you, I just lost all my brain cells in college.

    2. I think that your apparent inability to remember the things I tell you is indicative of my lack of skills in communication and marketing. I just read "Made to Stick" and came away with a TON of ideas for how to communicate in a way that makes those important ideas stick. I know I've been sending you lots of links lately, but this one is also a must-read for people who want to make the world a better place:

      Regarding the deadlift/squat, I'll put up a post with a few ideas soon! I love requests like this so keep them coming!
