Saturday, July 2, 2011

Why people don't floss

Watched Kstar's presentation on sitting and mobility at Google a few days ago and was struck by the flossing analogy.

People know they should floss. They know that if they don't, their teeth may fall out and they may get gingivitis and systemic inflammation and it could kill them. But they didn't floss yesterday and they haven't died today and their teeth didn't fall out today, so they're not going to floss tonight, either. They don't feel the tangible benefit from flossing.

(As an aside, I do floss frequently but it's mostly because it feels good. And I remember my friend G saying something to the effect that he loves flossing because "it's like, man, THAT was in my mouth?!")

Fear-mongering doesn't work. It doesn't promote widespread adherence.

People need to see that doing X makes a tangible, immediate, noticeable difference in their lives.

This is why it's so important to get ppl to realize that it takes very little effort and very little time to get to that advanced novice phase, where you're healthier and stronger and fitter than 80-90% of the population. In some people it may take as long as 6 months but in other cases it can be 3-4 months with as little as 2 hrs per week invested.

It's easier to encourage adherence by convincing ppl that they won't have to worry about their IBS acting up while on a date next week, than to convince them that avoiding linoleic acid and gluten will prolong their life and lower their risk of cancer.

It's easier to encourage adherence by pointing out benefits such as clearer skin, reduced/eliminated joint pain, than "this will align your joints" or "this will reduce systemic inflammation." Make it tangible, real, immediate.


  1. Move to DC with me so I can train with you. I'm too poor to get a gym membership.

  2. You don't need a gym, although gyms can be helpful for getting strong. You need a way to be intrinsically motivated to train. Then, you need a trainer and a community to help you through those times when your intrinsic motivation inevitably wanes.

    If you want it, I'll write you a program you can do in 30 minutes, twice a week, in your bedroom. It won't make you crazy sore like the old days when I was an idiot. =) It will make you stronger and healthier. But you gotta promise to keep up the work, 60 minutes total per week.
